miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Grumpy witch tag

Hi guys!

I've done this tag, nominated by Dragon Fae (I met her in Amino Withches Den). These are the questions that I've replied:

1- Do you have a least favorite time of the year magically?

2- Is there a herb that you don't like working with or never seems to work in your practice?

3- Is there a stone or crystal that you don't like working with or never seems to add anything to your practice?

4- Is there anythinbg that "bothers" you about your deity or your practice?

5- What do you do when a spell doesn't work?

6- Have you ever done a meditation or astral work that did nothing for you?

7- Is there an element that doesn't work for you?

8- How do you get out of a witchy rut?

9- How do you deal with life getting in the way of your practice?

10- When you have all of these negative feelings about your practice, what do you do?

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